World List

  1. Reduce your junk mail. Just think, if we don’t read it, isn’t pollution being produced for nothing? Visit our Junk Mail page for 3 simple steps to significantly reduce your junk mail.

  2. Plant a Tree. They help reduce runoff and cut down on greenhouse gasses.

  3. Help the coral reefs.

    Tips: Minimize water runoff, reduce pollution by cutting back on anything that burns fossil fuels and use environmentally friendly products on your lawn.

  4. Use re-usable dry clean bags. This is especially good if you regularly dry clean your cloths. Plastic takes 100’s of years to break down in landfills and re-usable dry clean bags are relatively inexpensive.

  5. Help the Honey Bee. Bees perform 80% of all pollination worldwide. A single Bee colony can pollinate 300 million flowers.
    Tip: Plant some pollen rich flowering plants and trees with different blooming cycles to provide a year round food source.

  6. Hang dry your clothes when possible. The fuels that provide energy to dry your cloths contribute to pollution and they won’t last forever.
    Example: A typical natural gas dryer load will use ~ 11,000 BTU’s. For visual purposes that’s about 14 ounces of LNG (Liquid natural gas) or equivalent per load. So if your family dries 5 loads a week, that would equate to 35 gallons of LNG gas a year or 7 5-gallon cylinders (BBQ size).

  1. Use re-usable ramekins. Numerous restaurant chains use plastic ramekins for temporary storage of all sorts of things. My family loves Mexican food and we go through our fair share of ramekins for just hot sauce alone.

  2. Consider installing solar. If you own your own home, don’t plan on moving anytime soon, and have the financial means to make it happen, you might consider installing solar. Most references state the environmental break even is ~ 2 years when compared with fossil fuels. The financial break even is not to far behind as well. Panels can last over 30 years which is a lot of pollution free energy and financial savings. Of course a lot of these references negate other environmental impacts to produce and dispose of the panels. Either way, it still seems to be a no brainer when it comes to the environment when compared with fossil fuels.

  3. Organize a trash clean-up. It could be just a few friends or a large group. The location is up to you. Maybe the beach, a park, a lake, or your local neighborhood.

  4. Use re-usable water bottles. The world has a big plastic problem. Our family was once a big consumer of 1-time use plastic water bottles. Instead we now have numerous re-usable stainless insulated bottles and we fill them with our new reverse osmosis water filtering system.