Nice List

  1. Make a lunch(s) for the homeless. It’s not a good feeling to be hungry. You will lift someone’s day and it will feel good.
    Example: See Below for the link to a nice story from our Good News Page. Ok this is more than making a lunch but still a very nice story.

  1. Write a nice note for someone.

  2. Randomly make little gift boxes for kids. It could be for children of friends, family, or neighbors. It’s like creating a little Holiday on random day.

  3. Send a random kind letter to someone.

  4. Help someone that might be a little overwhelmed. It could be a house call, errand of whatever helps out.
    Example: See Below for the link to a nice story from our Good News Page.

  1. Volunteer at your local food bank.
    Link: Use this Google Search to find information on volunterring at your nearest Food Bank

  2. Share a bouquet of flowers to show you appreciate someone. It could be for a secretary, nurse, front desk personnel or whoever.

  3. Share your talents.
    Example: See Below for the link to a nice story from our Good News Page.

  1. Say ‘thank you’ to someone who made a difference.

  2. Join the bone marrow registry. You could save a life.