Nice List

  1. Shovel someone else’s snow covered driveway.
    Example: See Below for the link to a nice story from our Good News Page.

  1. Tell someone all the things you love about them.

  2. Volunteer at your local animal shelter. You’ll be meeting new people and lending a hand to those working at the shelter while receiving some nice tail wags, purrs, etc. This can be a nice gift to yourself.

  3. Pay the toll for the person behind you.

  4. Become a foster parent.
    Example: See Below for the link to a nice story from our Good News Page.

  1. Help others find the positive. Positive things happen to positive people.

  2. Hold a door or elevator for someone.

  3. Tip someone at a place you normally wouldn’t tip. It’s nice to recognize a good effort and every dollar counts.

  4. Let someone in your lane.

  5. Get involved with Meals On Wheels.
    Link: Use this Google Search to find your nearest Meals On Wheels.