Nice List

  1. Buy lemonade or Ice Tea from a child’s stand.You will make their day

  2. Avoid bad news. More good news and less bad news. Television and Web-based stories track viewership. Bad news sells only if we’re watching.

  3. Let the person behind you in line go first.

  4. Bring in some new office supplies. Something that your co-workers may need or would appreciate.
    Simple Idea: Share a sticky Note Pad with a nice Pen.

  5. Get involved with MADD. Help prevent future tragedies.
    Did you know: Each year approximately 12,000 people are killed in DUI related accidents. Many of which are innocent victims which includes 200+ children each year.
    Link: Visit MADD for ways to get involved.

  6. Donate your clothes you no longer wear.

  7. Compliment someone you don’t know.

  8. Donate books you will no longer read.

  9. Actually put your grocery cart away in the lot.This is what you should do anyways and it helps make someone’s job a little easier.

  10. Volunteer to tutor, mentor, or read to children.
    Link: The United Way has been helping children for over 125 years. Just enter your zip code and country to find your local United Way.