Nice List

  1. Pay for someone’s coffee behind you in line.

  2. Ask someone how their day is going and genuinely listen to their response. You could get into a nice conversation.

  3. Randomly share a small but meaningful gift with someone. It’s nice to receive a gift on your Birthday or a Holiday but its even better to receive one on a random day. It will make the recipient feel blessed.
    Example: See Below for the link to a nice story from our Good News Page. Ok this is not really a small gift but we love the story.

  1. Smile at everyone you see. Smiles are contagious.

  2. Donate blood to your local blood bank. You could help save a life.
    Did You Know: 4.5 million Americans would die each year without life-saving blood transfusions and you can save up to 3 lives with 1 blood donation
    Link: Visit the American Red Cross and enter your zip code to find a donation center near you. If the Red Cross doesn’t provide a center near you, use this Google Search to find your nearest Blood Bank.

  3. Share a good recipe.
    Recommended Link: We found this Spicy Pickled Zuccini recipe a few years back when our home grown garden was producing tons of vegetables and we were looking for some ways to preserve them. The original recipe was intended for Zuccini but we’ve found it works great for all kinds of vegetables including carrots, squash, onions, bell peppers, and green tomatoes to name a few. And of course the ingredients can be tweaked to meet your preference. I personally like it extra spicy, so extra red pepper flakes for me. Thank you to the Author for sharing such a great recipe.

  4. Bring coffee and bagels of donuts to work. You’ll help brighten the day for your co-workers.

  5. Donate a blanket(s) to a shelter. Sometimes the less fortunate don’t have enough to keep warm during the colder months. Most of us have an older blanket in good condition that can be donated and if not, you can always purchase one.

  6. Send thank you letters to those in the military.You will make them feel appreciated as they should.
    Link: A Million Thanks is a great place to start. They help distribute the letters and provide numerous others ways to get involved with appreciating our military and their families. They’ve been around since 2004 and have sent over 9 million letters to date.

  7. Offer to do yard work for an elderly person.
    Example: See Below for the link to a nice story from our Good News Page.