Welcome to the Better For Better About Us page. Whether it’s taking action to do a Nice Deed, Influencing others to do Better, or Engineering products for a Better World, We can always do Better!

Our main focus is on Engineering solutions for a better world. We have a number ideas underway. Our top priority for 2025 is to launch an amazing new concept to save more homes from wildfire.

From the Founder

‘Hello, my name is Aaron Bratten and I’m the founder of betterforbetter.com. This site was created with the intent of doing Better For Better through Action, Influence, and Engineering. Professionally I’ve worked as an Engineer for over 20 years now and I really enjoy coming up with new solutions for doing better. Fortunately there are plenty of items to tackle. I strongly believe in all of the following.’

  • We can do Better to save more homes from Wildfire! This will be a top priority in 2025. Be sure to visit our Wildfire page to see our amazing new concept for saving homes. Let’s make it rain!
  • We can do better to Engineer new solutions to be less wasteful! For example, it takes a lot of energy to heat water for a hot shower. Isn’t the water coming out of the shower head about the same temperature as the water going down the drain? So almost all of that energy is being wasted! Why not store or transfer that heat?
  • We can do Better for the Planet. Visit our World List for some ideas. Isn’t unread junk mail producing pollution for nothing? We provide 3 simple steps to drastically cut your junk. In a 2 year long experiment, a typical 4 person household found that completing these steps cut their junk mail by nearly 40lbs.
  • We can do better for Each Other. Visit our Nice List for some ideas. If you need some inspiration, visit our Good News page with links to over 100 stories of people making a difference. Everyone can use a lift and it’s really easy to perform a nice deed.

I need your help to build a community of people who support doing better for better. There’s power in numbers. Please join our email list at the bottom of this page to follow all the efforts. Thank you!